Friday, May 27, 2011

Google Docs

Google Docs lets you access yours documents where ever you are at.  It is also free. You can also drag and drop your pics to your document. You can also upload a pic to your document instead of searching and then saving it and uploading it to the document. You can also put notes or coments to the document. The note stays with the note. This is really cool. I would use this when I get older.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This is an app on the iPhone and the Android. This is for coupons and deals for places. You have to make sure that you are in the store the location. The coupons can only be used once. These are really cool. I think is one enviromentally friendly. I would use this if I had one of those phones.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gifts for dads and grads

5. Tablets and e-readers
4. Digital Cameras
3. Personal audio gear
2. Notebook or netbook
1. Phone

This are the gagets you should get your dad or your grad for 2011. Some of these are neat. I cant wait to graduate so I can get some of those gagets.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Google turns up the heat

The google has an app. The android is coming up with new phones. The ipod has a camera now. The ipod shuffle can be and acessory. The iPad 3-D is going to be available.  There was a convention in Japan that had the iPad 3 and the iPhone 4 were there at the same time it was a disaster.  You can now have Apple tV. Adobe Photoshop is on the the iPad. You can make your own color. This is really cool. I would love some of these gagets. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Microsoft buys Skype

Microsoft is buying Skype for 8.5 million dollars.  7.5 million of people on facebook are under age of what they are suppose to be.  Adobe is relasing 3 apps for the iPad.  This stuff is really cool. I was under the age when I started my Facebook.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kodak Playfull

This is a Kodak camera. This has a self chargable battery. The screen is really small. It is like a flip camera. It looks cool but it is very small and I like my camera with a big screen. There is a lot of different settings. This settings are on all my camera.

Friday, May 6, 2011

White iPhone

The white iPhone is thiker than the black iPhone. The white one is 9.4 while the black one is like 9.3. I dont understand why this is so important. That is a good interesting fact.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Transfor Music from to computer

Download the Hudini. Then you have to enable the iPod and then it will show up on your desktop. Then move your music to a new folder. Then you can listen to your music. If you want to do this to a Mac and you dont already have it to the Mac but all of your videos will be removed. This is really cool so you can always have your iPod and then put it on your computer. I would use this.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Free Phones

Hulu plus is going to XBOX. Best Buy is giving out free phones. The Jurassic Park will come out soon. You can send a Pepsi drink to one of your friends. These are really cool and I hope this will ve really cool.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Top Five personal digital disasters

5. Mis-posting across social media
4. Reply All
3. Butt dialing
2. Checking in when youre checked out
1.Anything while drunk

This is personal digital disasters. This will be some of the advice that I will take to make sure I don't do any of those things with my digital devices.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Top Five Tech Search Terms

5.Nintendo 3Ds
3. iPad 2
2. Teamviewer 6
1. iOS 4.3

This are the top five techs that were searched. People were wanting to know how they work. Some of them are really cool and some of them are odd. I really want the iPad but it is not getting a bad rep.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2011 Smart Electric Drive

This is a smart car. It is an electric car. It is a very small car. It makes a lot of noises. I dont think I would like to because if you would get into a accident it would be easy to get killed. It is too small. The shift is very different from the normal shift. It is very slow. It takes 12 hours to charge. This one is a lot cheaper than the gas one. It is an odd car.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Return of the Commodore

Sprint might be on mobile payments. I would love to use this because then I don't have to carry a credit card around. The commodor is back. It looks cool, but I would not get it because then you would have to reteach yourself to use this different keyboard.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Top 5 most anticipated technologies of 2011

5.Hp's webs OS Tablet
4. Passive 3d TV
3. Dual Core Smartphones
2. iPad 2
1. iPhone 5

These are the top five techs that people are waiting for them to come out this year. I think some of them are really cool. I would love to have some of them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Top 5 Reasons to skip Verizon's iPhone

5. No concurrent voice and data
4. Out of the country issues
3. I cant remember
2. Not 4G
1.Will Verizon be the next AT&T?

This are reasons why you should not get the verizon iPhone.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Top 5 Tablets to Beat the iPad

5. Nook Color
4. Blackberry Playbook
3.Windows 7 tablets
2. Hp Touchpad
These are the five tablets that will beat the iPad. I think they are really cool. I think they are just like the iPad but cheaper and I think that is even better. I like the Windows 7 tablet because you can use it like the iPad or a labtop.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to disable mobile geotagging

This helps you from turning your location and tracking from your phone. This helps so you post a picture on your facebook without anyone knowing exactly where you are at. I like it so no one knows where you are at.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Best laptop video

5. Hp Pavilion dm1
4. Hp Envy 17
3. MacBook Air 11"
2.Toshiba Portege R705
1.Apple MacBook Pro
These are the five best laptops. They look really cool. I will be making a decision about what kind of laptop to get for school and I will have to think about some of the things we want for the laptop and I might think I will pick one of these.

Friday, March 18, 2011

connecting your iPod

You can connect your iPad to your tv. This is an app this is really cool! I was taking a picture.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

American Idol

Youtube is letting people show their talents and that it might make a new show. There is an app so that children don't run their parents bills up.You have to have a password. That is cool because if I had children and I let them use my iPad if I had one I would do the same thing.
Happy St.Patty's Day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Garage band for the iPad

This is an app that you can play band instruments.  Yoy can record what you play and then make it a song.You can also hear a song as you see the notes on the instrument.  The cords on the guitar can bend.It is really cool my cousin has this app on is iPad. The app is very cool. I would like to have an iPad. I might get that app, but I am not a very big instrument person.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

iPad 2

Ms. McGrath we  I already watched this in Computer Applications. I hope your surgery goes well. I hope you have a great springbreak.

Monday, March 14, 2011


This is the new iPad 2.It is like the iPad but improved.There is two new cameras. One is a little thinger. I wish I had a iPad but they are so expensive. There are two more colors. The battery life is longer.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dyson Digital Slim

This is a cordless vacuum. This is very random and very weird. The battery is not good because it only uses like six minutes and then you have to charge it for three hours before using it again. That would take forever for me to vacuum my house. Also it is expensive. I would not get it because it is expensive and the battery is not very good.

Friday, March 4, 2011

iPad 2

The iPad 2 has two colors white and black. It is kind of the same,but a little bit thinger. There is a camera. They also have an app that you can play an instrument. I think the iPad 2 is probably just like the original, but a little more advanced. I would love to have one but for the price it is not worth it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

National iPad 2 Day

It is iPad 2 day. They are selling the new iPad. You can keep your apps and the buluga app is an app where everyone can keep incontact with you. Look at the screen and the blinker will appear and if you look harder at the screen it will zoom in. How cool.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best free messaging apps

The first app you can talk to others and it doesn't use your text from your plan. The other plan is like when you want to have a meeting you can talk to everyone at a once but it uses your text from your plan. The last one is where it is like the one where you can have a meeting but it doesn't use your text plan. They are all free. I don't think I would like these because I don't have one of those phones and  I think it is lame.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Hacking Whac-a mole

This is for facebook so you can protect your profile. I love protecting my facebook as much as I can. There is an app for facebook that lets people know that you are desperate and needs a date. I think that is lame because it just sounds like someone could sound very desperate and that is very scary. A guy set out a game so that it would give them a virus so that people would pay for his services. You can now get skype on your phone. I think that is really cool because then you can talk to others if you are not near a computer that sounds really cool.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Free Ebook Lending

You can borrow a book from a library. I would use this because it would be cheaper. The only thing that would bother me would be the fact that it would returned after a certain time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Password protect your folder

It is where you can put a password on your folders. I would love to use this because when I get older and  I have folders or files with very important information I don't want it to be accidently deleted or opened. I think if I would have to put a password on my files eventually someone might figure out what my password is.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

PC on off Auto

This will turn your computer off when no one is using it. That is really cool because if I forgot to turn of my computer it would automatically turn my computer off. I would use it to save power. I wonder if it would turn off if you are on. Then I wonder  if it would be a pain for it to turn off and then for you to always turn it back on. That would drive me crazy because I would hate to have to turn it on and off so much. I love that it is free. I wish everything was free.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sony Notebook

It is a new laptop and it is very thing. There is a SD port so if you have memory chip you can stick the memory chip into the port and whatever is on your chip will show up on your laptop. I like it because it looks more convenient. It is really small so I don't have to carry around a very heavy. I wouldn't get something like that because it is very expensive.  

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gadget Overload

The PlayStation phone.  Galaxy X is a dual phone. The Chacha and Salsa has a facebook button on the phone. The iPad touch  is a dual app phone. The iPhone 5 that has a slide out keyboard.  The apps have to get a 30% discount on their apps. On the Kindle they also have to get a discount on their books. There is also a computer with the concept of having the brain of a human. The new phones are interesting. I want an iPad and the discount would make everything else cheaper to pay for.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Active I

It is a pair of glasses that you can record things. You can take of the video camera off if you want to. I don't think it would be a good thing because you can have a camera and video tape. I don't think I would like to use it because the thing that would in my face and that would bother me so much.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Print from your smartphone

You need a desktop or computer that is connected to a printer Your Google chrome has to be on and then you have to set up your computer to print from your phone. Then you choose what printer you want to print at. Then you need to print. That is really cool I would use it if I was really busy and needed really quickly to print something. This is really cool. I cant wait to get my self a smart phone to do this.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Scroll newsfeed is where you can see all of your newsfeeds on one screen. You can be doing one thing and your news will show at the bottom of your screen. Then you can see what is the new news is. I think I would really like because then I dont have to go to all of my websites to see my news.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Internet Explorer 9

This is a filter for your internet. The filter can be set at whatever you want it to be set at. That was very technical. That was very interesting. The filter lets others go on your computer without going on something they should not be on.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Phoning it in

The gadget of the week is the Verison iPhone.
There is also the dual touch screens. You can use two applications at the same time.
The HP touch pad is like the iPad.
HP Veer is a phone. It has a touch screen and it also has camera.
Pre3 is a phone. It an shoot video.
Those are cool and different gadgets.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nilcon Coolpix

This is a camera. There is quick zoom. It also has the same features as the regular camera.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Read Facebook Like a Newspaper

It is a newspaper on facebook. You can post stuff on facebook. Then you can comment. It also reads like a newspaper. It looks really cool. The next time I am on facebook I think I might try this out it looks really cool.

Monday, February 7, 2011

verison iPhone 4

It is like the AT&T iPhone.On the verison iPhone there is no sims card slot. You cant have more than one app at the same time. On the Internet you can have more than one cite at the same time. The two different phones are different in many ways. I don't think is better than the AT&T phone.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stop paying for AOL

This will let you access your AOL for free. All you have to do is change your account setting. Then you change your settings to free. You will still get security. This is only if you access your email and if you are paying for another Internet service.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Food is Love

Epicurious app is an app that gives you recipes. You can look for certain recipe or look for a type of food. It also gives you a grocery list.  That app looks really cool.

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Sony PSP

The new PSP is much bigger.There is two analog sticks. There is 3G. There is also Wi-Fi. That is really cool.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Record and Listen to Live Music

Tune In Radio is what it call. It is an app on your iPhone. You can listen to live radio. You can store your favorites. You can stop and record your favorite music from live radio. You can also stop and rewind like your Dish T.V. at home.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dynamix card

This is a city card. You can have two accounts on the one card. You just have to press a button on the card to switch the account. That is so cool. That would be good to have so you dont have to so many cards in your wallet at once.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Prescription Lenses

Impower Lenses
  1. These lenses help you focus on whatever you are reading.
  2. To turn them on you just touch them.
  3. If you are reading it will focus for you, then if you are not reading anything it will go back to regular lenses.
  4. They can also be like regular glasses.
These glasses are good for you if you are reading and you don't usually glasses.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

CES 2011

It is a tech convention. There is a big T.V..  The 3D Games in action. This 3D Game in action is that you can play games and they will show in 3D. There is the 3D camcorder. The 3D camcorder you can record something and it would show in 3D. Canon they always put on shows every year.  Lady Gaga this year is going to be there to make an announcements.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The best looking iPhone games

Gun Bros. it is a game on the iPhone4. Infinity game is another best looking game on the iPhone. You can use the screen as the controller. This are the best looking iPhone games.